Hi! My name is Danielle. I am a UX/UI Designer with a background in editorial design.
I probably never got past the "why stage" of a toddler, because I need to know the why of everything. Always. Which has helped me much into the transition to the UX field.
The discipline and experience built in my previous background have given me the opportunity to understand the contradiction of the agile method and the value of the time needed to research.
I grew up in the Caribbean and moved to Canada in 2014 and started from scratch. Reinventing life is the best way to practice the acquired knowledge and to continue learning more. But I must say that I miss the beach a lot!
I am a crazy pizza eater (Keto & homemade please), and I think it's the best ritual to call the muses when working with my team!
My partner in crime is a crazy, black dog named Kitty (Yes, I know... weird name but works for her. And it's a legitime female name. I got it from the TV show Brother&Sisters where Calista Flockhart interpreted a strong woman named Kitty. It turns out that my dog by that time was living with three mischievous cats too). I love going hiking and wander around the city with my camera.
I love to laugh and share my weird Latin humor with people. Let's chat, and I can assure you I'll be like Dick Tracy asking you questions of everything I am curious about :)

Would you like to have a virtual cup of café? It' would be my treat :)
Or want to see my resume? please email me to: